Inc. Case study Inc. methodology in developing its software inc. make use of agile methodology in developing its software due to its flexibility as a finest way to manage a software project. This helps a better engagement between business and our development teams; they have a fast-paced programmer of phased, measurable delivery with emphasis on smarter productivity and fewer defects.

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Agile methodologies focus on driving real business value, not just building features (Rangle, 2017). Since agile software development goes through multiple levels it has a better chance of providing what the customers need at any given time. These cycles are designed not only to add new features but also to make alteration to what has already been deployed. The construction is continuously morphing to meet the changing needs of users.

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In the commercial sector, many organizations have embraced agile methodologies as the way to better flexibility, greater responsiveness, and improved time-to-market in the development of software (Glaiel, 2014). Agile is more flexible, adapting for rapid change. A customer can add, delete or change requirements or shift at the beginning of each stage. With the help of agile software development, the customers are constantly in the loop, suggesting improvements and reviewing every phase of development and can change any requirement until the implementation.

Moreover, agile provides a unique opportunity for clients to be involved during the project review sessions for new feature. We have fixed schedule of sprints of every 15 days where new features are delivered with a high level of positive predictability. This also provides the opportunity to release or beta test the software earlier than planned if there is sufficient business value.


Glaiel, F. S., Moulton, A., & Madnick, S. E. (2014). Agile project dynamics: A system dynamics investigation of agile software development methods.

Rangle, I. (2017). Business Strategy, Agile, Business Transformation. Retrieved April 2, 2019, from


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Daniel Fortune

Daniel Fortune is a successful business professional, entrepreneur, father, and lover of travel.

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