Don Chalmers Ford Business Case

Don Chalmers Ford 2016 Baldridge Award Winner

Don Chalmers won the award Baldridge award in 2016. It seems almost apparent they won based off their company values alone. Focusing on family values, DCF is closed on Sunday, typically a key car sales day for DCF’s competitors, to provide Real Value for employees who can integrate family life with their careers. Businesses use the BSC method as a strategic management tool that takes four different business perspectives into account in order to understand and achieve the organizational goals and objectives Financial, Customer, Business Processes, Learning and Growth. Don Chalmers could benefit using the (BSC) method as a strategic control system. This can help the company track their financial statements and records while still monitoring progress within the company.

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Kaplan and Norton do not disregard the traditional need for financial data (Norton, 2016) From a financial perspective using the (BSC)method Don Chalmers can implement an updated corporate database to centralize and automate more of the processing. The company has been and will continue to be successful from the customer perspective of the BSC method because customer focus and satisfaction has always been a top priority. This is of importance because once customers become unsatisfied they will seek products elsewhere which will make the company lose their competitive advantage. From the business process perspective of the BSC method, the company has been successful based off of customer feedback, surveys and other measurable metrics. company was successful from the learning and growth perspective of the BSC method even from the beginning when they do their comprehensive and strategic hiring. DCF provides their employees with numerous amounts of opportunities for growth including serving on boards, participating in events, attending classes and many others. Some potential weaknesses of DCF are that the company is run in an old school methodology and may not attract the crowd it needs to, to continue company growth over the years. Some challenges DCF faces are the mere fact that they are in the automobile industry which is highly competitive. The BSC method can be used to help mitigate these weaknesses and challenges by being able to implement the company’s vision and reach both short term and long-term goals.

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Norton, R. K. (2016). BCS Methods. Retrieved August 3, 2018, from Value Based Management:

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Daniel Fortune

Daniel Fortune is a successful business professional, entrepreneur, father, and lover of travel.

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