Who is David P. Norton?
Introducing David P. Norton
According to ManagementMania.com, “David P. Norton is the world’s leading authority on strategic management. He is a co-author together with Robert S. Kaplan, of Balanced Scorecard” (ManagementMania.com, retrieved 2018). Just like Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Norton is an established scholar and author. He has written many books, some co-written with Mr. Kaplan and has divulged much information through his research and teachings.
Mr. Norton received a Doctorate from Harvard, an MBA from Florida State, a BS from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and an MS from Florida Institute of Technology. Between him and Kaplan, they co-founded the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative. According to balancedscorecard.org, “The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management system that organizations use to communicate what they are trying to accomplish, align the day-to-day work that everyone is doing with strategy, prioritize projects, products, and services, and measure and monitor progress towards strategic targets” (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 1998-2017).
The balanced scorecard is what Kaplan and Norton are most known for and have helped many people by teaching them how to implement the system in organizations that need a way to better succeed. The Balanced Scorecard Institute explains that, “ The system connects the dots between big picture strategy elements such as mission (our purpose), vision (what we aspire for), core values (what we believe in), strategic focus areas (themes, results and/or goals) and the more operational elements such as objectives (continuous improvement activities), measures (or key performance indicators, or KPIs, which track strategic performance), targets (our desired level of performance), and initiatives (projects that help you reach your targets)” (1998-2017). While not impossible, without the research of Kaplan and Norton and the founding of the Balanced Scorecard, these tasks would be very difficult for organizations to implement.
ManagementMedia.com (2018). David P. Norton. Retrieved from: https://managementmania.com/en/david-p-norton
Balanced Scorecard Institute (2017). Balanced Scorecard Basics. Retrieved from: http://www.balancedscorecard.org/BSC-Basics/About-the-Balanced-Scorecard