Cake Case Study



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What fuels employee identity

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To understand what keeps an employee’s identity, you must realize what fuels your employees. They need to feel valued and respected to reach their full growth potential.  Supervisors who are more concerned about themselves and their won advancements fail their subordinates. Each employee needs to be aware of what opportunities are available to them as well how long it would take for them to change their status.

Let’s get strategic on training

Financing a training program can be costly in terms of money, time, and resources. Since this is a large investment, you and many others will want to measure the benefits as well as see results.  Setting measurable goals will help in this way. Cross-training allows growth and development and will help step-up coverage. Target the training specifically to the employees. You don’t want to make it out to be complicated, boring, or unrealistic. Technology plays a large role in the training process and needs to be used a valuable resource. There are so many creative websites that focus on training such as; Litmos, EHS Insight, and Bridge.

Training your employees

Training programs need to be specific to each department. List each task clearly so that it is understood.  After every training exercise, let the employee perform it hands on. This will help the information “sink in” and become concrete.

Information management safety

Since the world we now live in is full of hackers, we must protect our information very carefully. Make sure each employee is logging out of their system at the end of every day.  Change passwords often and make them complicated this will help dramatically. It is important that all systems stay updated and regularly scanned for viruses. Stress to your employees that no matter how insignificant an issue may be, report it immediately.



Before you can begin this phase you first need to define your strategy to see what you are working towards. The strategy and goals we are working towards are to align our employees with the organizational identity. Each department will need something different than the other since they operate on a very different level. Therefore, not all training will be sufficient for the entire organization. Funds need to be set aside for training purposes. This can be a costly event but will be well worth it in the long run. Employee, management, and customer feedback is always a must. In most instances, everyone is very forthcoming in what needs to be improved.  Hand out surveys since they are a very useful tool in reducing future issues.

Lowering turnover rates.

You want to make sure and provide recognition and rewards for those who employees who do a job well done. Bonuses are great way to show your employees that you do recognize how far they have come with the company. A perk for employees that will lower turnover rate are discounts. Most employees have children and spouses which is why flexibility is so important.  Some employees may need to work a certain schedule or hours due to childcare. If possible, try to work with them to make this happen. By offering educational training, you are providing knowledge and skills that will help not only the employee but the company.


Organizational Informational Management

Information systems are important because setting them in place ensures a successful organization because the information is used to help forecast the entire operation. Starting a new system that works to benefit customers is a great start to move a step ahead of competitors. For example, establishing the “Net Promoter Score” methodology at all our restaurants.


Starting a new system that works to benefit customers is a great start to move a step ahead of competitors.  For example, establishing the “Net Promoter Score” methodology at all of our restaurants. After conducting research on CAKE, we have started a SWOT analysis which could be useful if you want to know how your organization should train for the future. Traffic is defined as the number of customers that make transactions at a restaurant. Showing your strengths to the public is a step that has to be taken so that competitors know you’re here for the long run.


Step 1 in control is setting standards for employees. And this starts with the kitchen. Controlling how food is prepared and delivered is key to remaining successful because customers want to know that they were cared for and food was prepared with love. Controlling throughout an organization should take place often.  On a weekly basis reports should come in from team leaders, then managers, and the GM. This keep everyone involved and fresh. Keeping employees and managers trained and knowledgeable will keep customers satisfied and employees could grow the organization for many years because of principles and a culture of pleasing.

Strategy Step 1

Before you can begin this phase you first need to define your strategy to see what you are working towards.  The strategy and goals we are working towards are to align our employees with the organizational identity. Each department will need something different than the other since they operate on a very different level. Therefore, not all training will be sufficient for the entire organization.  Funds need to be set aside for training purposes. This can be a costly event but will be well worth it in the long run. Employee, management, and customer feedback is always a must. In most instances, everyone is very forthcoming in what needs to be improved.  Hand out surveys since they are a very useful tool in reducing future issues.

Strategy Step 2

Communication is the key to success. You should make sure that your plan is easy for everyone to understand.  As people communicate, information gets added and deleted which can lead to a poor execution. Everyone needs to stay on the same page for this to be a successful.  Make sure each employee understands their roles and what rewards and opportunities are involved. This type of tool will provide goals for each employee to reach.

Strategy Step 3

Recognition is very important since it reduces turnover rates, provides goals, and increases performance in your employees. Change is not easy for everyone so make sure your employees understand the new policies, procedures, and practices.  Individuals who do not do well with change may need to be persuaded. Therefore, the rewards and recognition are so important in the execution process.


Recognition is very important since it reduces turnover, provides goals, and increases performance in your employees. Change is not easy for everyone so make sure your employees understand the new policies, procedures, and practices. Individuals who do not do well with change may need to be persuaded. Therefore, the rewards and recognition are so important in the execution process. Work towards creating a balance between management and employees.  This will lead to stability within your organization.


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Daniel Fortune

Daniel Fortune is a successful business professional, entrepreneur, father, and lover of travel.

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