Life Vision Statement
According to Gulati, Mikhail, Morgan, & Sittig (2016) vision statements are important for organizational transformation and business success. A mission or vision statement is in essence a high level snapshot of the company’s goals and what they intend to achieve as well as have perceived. An example from the simulation in FLIGBY is Turul Wineries vision includes their goals of creating a quality product as well as promoting sustainability and improving their people. These goals are used to create the vision and vice versa. My personal vision statement is: To better myself mentally and physically, to be a mentor and inspiration to others.
The Eliminate, Raise, Reduce, and Create Grid, also referred to as the ERRC Grid, is a tool that utilizes the Four Actions Frameworks to help identify goals for companies. The grid is also a high level analytical tool to show in what areas the firm can improve, and where shortcomings may be. This same tool can be utilized in our personal lives as well and in very much the same way as it is used to business. For the grid to be effective though, the goals need to be in alignment with the mission and/or vision statement.
My personal grid, based on my mission/vision statement is illustrated below. In the eliminate quadrant I have the goals of eliminating anger and wasted time. In the Raise quadrant I have the goals of raising the amount I exercise, the time I spend with my children, and my general knowledge. Under Reduce my goals are to reduce the amount of junk food I am eating as well as the amount of time I am spending in front of television, computer, and cell phones screens. In the final quadrant I have my goals to create more opportunities to volunteer and to become a mentor for others.
Eliminate AngerWasted Time | Raise ExerciseTime with my ChildrenKnowledge |
Reduce Junk FoodScreen Time | Create Volunteer to Non ProfitBecome a Mentor |
As stated above my personal vision statement is to better myself mentally and physically, to be a mentor and inspiration to others. With this in mind I would consider my goals to be in direct alignment with my vision statement. I made sure to craft my goals with my vision statement in mind as this helps ensure continued success (Upward, 2019).
My goals of reducing junk food and raising exercise
directly apply to the area of my vision that refers to bettering myself both mentally
and physically. In reducing the amount of junk food I eat I will help myself to
improve my physical wellbeing. Exercise will also help to make an improvement
to my physical state as well as promoting mental wellbeing.
Gulati, R., Mikhail, O., Morgan, R. O., & Sittig, D. F. (2016). Vision Statement Quality and Organizational Performance in U.S. Hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(5), 335–350.
Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy : How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Review Press.
Upward, J. (2019). Aligning a company vision and mission. Retrieved from: