SugarSquared Enterprise Systems

Enterprise Systems are applications that support business operations, data exchange and flows, data analytics, and reporting, and the common enterprise systems.


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Strategic Operations Research

The importance of linking information technology and corporate strategy is broadly accepted” within business and industry.


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Useful Strategic Analysis Tools

Useful Strategic Analysis Tools are plentiful. Managers are constantly being faced with problems and tasks that require strategic analysis and problem solving…


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Greening the Message Strategy

Looking at what strategy that the organization should move towards, there are things that need to be considered. The organization was faced with…


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Normandia Strategic Framework

When it comes to competitive advantage, this is everything that makes Normandia Inc.’s sensors better than the rest, better than the competition and more efficient.


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Strategic Framework Document Continued…

This article is continued from February 4, 2019. Netflix should develop an email client for its users to build loyalty. Continue reading this interesting article.


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Strategic Framework Document

Netflix should develop an email client for its users to build loyalty. Netflix will definitely experience an increased client base from building an email client.


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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management. This report will focus on the supply chain management of Middle Eastern companies, including Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines.


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